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Learn To Use Climbing Harnesses Like A True Mountaineer

Before you become a great outdoorsman or a true mountaineer, you need to learn the basics first. The fundamentals should not be disregarded because it is your way or your ticket in becoming an expert. And one of the basic things that you need to learn is how to put on these climbing harnesses. Check out these simple steps and be guided accordingly.



Climbing harnesses are rock climbing equipment worn every time you’re, of course, climbing. It is also used for other activities that require the use of ropes for access and safety. There are several types of climbing harnesses such as sport or gym harness, full body harnesses, and there are those that are made for specialized usage. But some of the novice climbers don’t know how to use or put on these harnesses. And this is where we come in. As an outdoor enthusiast, I encountered different kinds of trails and climbed different types of mountains and I know the benefits of a properly worn climbing harness. In this article, I’ll show you how to use a climbing harness and become a true mountaineer.

Learn To Use Climbing Harnesses Like A True Mountaineer

Rock climbing and outdoor enthusiast use climbing harnesses every time they climb. It provides both safety and access to everyone who will be working with heights, like window washers or construction workers working on skyscrapers. Putting on the harness properly is the first thing that everyone should know. This simple task will prevent or minimize the risk of possible injuries associated with climbing. Follow the simple steps below on how to use and wear it.

1. Harness orientation

The first thing you need to do is to get acquainted with the parts of your climbing harness. From the waist belt to the belay loop to the leg loops, you need to know which one is which. This is not rocket science so you can easily figure it out. You also need to know which one’s the front side and which one’s the back side of the climbing harness. Lay it on the ground and you have to make sure that there is no twist in the leg loops or in the waist belt.


2. Step into the harness

Step into the harness and make sure that each foot is in each leg loops. You also need to step through the waist belt.


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3. Pull it up

Pull your harness up and see to it that it is above the waist belt is above your hips. Think of it as pulling on your shorts, except this time it’s a harness.


4. Tighten the harness

When the waist belt is above your hips then you have to tighten it by pulling the straps. The waistband and the leg loops should be tight and snug but it should not hinder your every movement or cause discomfort.


5. Check the harness

Check if your harness is tight enough so that it won’t come undone when you’re climbing. Check every buckle and strap from the waistband to the leg loops. Safety should always be in the mind of a responsible rock climber or mountaineer.



Check out this tutorial video for Sports and Outdoors for more info on how to properly use climbing harnesses :  

Now you have an idea on how to put on these climbing harnesses. And like what I always say, safety should always come first in everything that we do. Being responsible for your actions is a mark of a devoted outdoorsman and  a true mountaineer. Don’t put yourself in a predicament that you will eventually regret. Think of your actions and think of safety.


Tell us what you think about these steps by dropping your two cents in the comments below.


Do you want to try indoor rock climbing? Check out the basics here

Featured Image Via BENJAMIN HOSTE

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