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[Watch This] This 6.5-284 Custom Hunting Rifle Is A Blast!



The outcome of the hunt mostly vary on the skill of the hunter. Likewise, the rifle he wields could greatly affect the shooting in aspects such as power and how comfortable it is to handle. Check out this Custom Hunting Rifle with Surgical Precision using the 6.5×284 cartridge.

[Watch This] This 6.5-284 Custom Hunting Rifle Is A Blast!

A Custom Rifle That Makes A Thousand-Yard Shot Effortless

A diverse arsenal of rifles means a lot of practical uses  from range, target, and all in all, practicality. Of course, hunters buy rifles that are intended for the sport that they’re going after. For one, this 12 action custom Savage uses a 6.5×284 cartridge that was tested on a target a thousand yards away.

Surgical Precision shows us in this video that the Custom Savage on 6.5×284 is simply a beast at long range shots. The results show an amazing 7-inch disparity between slugs on the target plate at 3000 feet. It can’t get any more precise and on target!


Ultimately, this Custom Savage hunting rifle is superb when it comes to how flat it shoots. However, it is the skill of the hunter that still matters most. Weapons are always available as long as we have the bucks, but skill cannot be bought and that is why we should always practice so our chops never get sloppy.

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