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Hiking The Appalachian Trail | Where We Walk Podcast



Woman | Hiking the Appalachian Trail | Featured

Immerse yourself in the wilderness by hiking the Appalachian Trail. Listen as two women, Brittany and Laura, share their yearning and admiration for the most lengthy trail in the world.

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Stories and Reflections From Hiking the Appalachian Trail

About the Episode

“Dreaming of Thru-Hiking the Appalachian Trail” is the fourth episode of the series “Where We Walk”. In this podcast, you’ll hear the stories of Brittany and Laura.

Brittany’s white and is from North Dakota. On the other hand, Laura’s Latina and is from Colombia.

These women, although different when it comes to disposition, upbringing, and background, share the same eagerness and fondness for the Trail. They’re both attracted to achieve their need to do something for themselves.

Last 2019, Brittany was able to fulfill her dream of thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail. However, a few years before her thru-hike, she had to face the loss of her husband.

In this episode, she shares how overwhelming and grateful she is with her experience of hiking the Appalachian Trail. She also expresses how badly she wants to go back and complete the Trail once again.

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Britanny mentioned its conservation as well so that other people would still get the chance to have the same experience she had.

Meanwhile, Laura aspires of hiking the Appalachian Trail as she views it as the most beautiful trail out there. She dreams of thru-hiking in the spring when the landscapes are alive and full of greenness. However, uncontrollable forces have hindered her from doing this adventure.

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About the Series

Airing every Monday, “Where We Walk” aims to share a multi-dimensional narrative of the Trail through various voices from multiple backgrounds. Every episode tackles a special subject that reflects how people mold the Trail, and how the Trail molds them.

It looks into diverse themes and issues such as the next generation who will take care of the Trail. It also includes the Trail’s history, wildlife, and overcoming challenges for a successful thru-hike.

This special podcast series is developed by the Appalachian Trail Conservancy. It’s in cooperation with the She Explores Podcast and is made possible with the contributions from REI Co-op.

You can listen to other episodes of this creative six-part series on the Appalachian Trail Conservancy website. They are also available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Stitcher.

If you’re dreaming of thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail, this podcast can help you realize your “why”. This reason will be the one to help you conquer the ups and downs you’ll encounter on your journey.


This series can also inspire you to do things for yourself. It can make you feel grateful, as well as help improve the way you live your life.

Do you have stories about your experience in hiking the Appalachian Trail? Let us know in the comments section below!

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