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American Hunting Rifles In Action | The Ruger American Rifle

The first thing you notice when handling a rifle for the first time is its weight. And of course, if it’s on the racks, you might as well check the price.



The first thing you notice when handling a rifle for the first time is its weight. And of course, if it’s on the racks, you might as well check the price. And then you go on to examine all the smaller bits of detail on the hunting rifle. Well, if you’re looking for a lightweight, affordable, but reliable hunting rifle, the Ruger American might be the best of all American hunting rifles!

American Hunting Rifles In Action | The Ruger American Rifle 

In addition to being lightweight, the Ruger American has a very smooth cocking mechanism. All that and other positive review points are just overflowing. Take a look at what one of the American hunting rifles can do!

To view Team Wild TV‘s review on the Ruger American hunting rifle, click on the play button below – or click [here]!

Check out some clips from this stupendous rifle review!


The rifle’s lightweight synthetic stock allows for maximum maneuverability while the rubber butt pad makes up for the recoil. Carrying this American-made rifle in the field would be a breeze. Furthermore, you won’t have to worry about carrying the weight when chasing game through different terrains.


As for the rifle’s accuracy, there’s no doubt that wild game will drop dead once you pull the trigger. These amazing shot groups prove to show that the Ruger American’s precision is on point. Shot groups at 3 inches within each other is one thing, but shot groups at less than an inch is extraordinary.

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While the Ruger American shows promise in the range, it proves effective in the field as well. Seems like this .30-06 has no problem penetrating through a wild boar’s thick skull. With the right shot placement and enough skill, a seasoned rifleman will find the Ruger American an excellent rifle to hunt with.

The Ruger American is a hundred percent made in the US. To some who don’t trust foreign manufacturers or just for the love of the country, the Ruger American is the best deal for the American riflesman. If you’re into hunting big game like deer, elk, and even bears, you should consider getting a Ruger American bolt-action rifle! You’ll be sure to put a meal on the table!

Click here for more hunting tips!


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