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Outdoor Warrior’s Wishlist For The Best Survival Gear For Black Friday

It’s that time of the year again when we can purchase the things we normally can’t afford. It’s Black Friday! So for all survivalist and preppers, here’s a list of the best survival gear or gears this coming Black Friday. Read on to find out more about it. This is just too exciting!



Thanksgiving Day is fast approaching and y’all already know what’s next –Black Friday! This is the time of the year where most major retailers offer big discounts and promotional sales. But for some survivalist, choosing from a wide variety of survival gear and equipment can be overwhelming, thus making it difficult for them to pick what they really want or what they need the most. Here, we gathered 25 items that you can include on your wishlist for the best survival gear this coming Black Friday. Scroll down and check out these awesome gears.

Get The Best Survival Gear This Black Friday!

Being a survivalist and a prepper to some, I always make sure that I am prepared for anything that might happen. And Black Friday is an opportunity for people like us to head to the mall to buy the stuff that we want at a very low or reasonable price. Below is a list of the best survival gear that we can put our hand on this coming Black Friday. The versatility of these products will make you a better survivalist.

1. 14″ Survival Knife With Survival Kit

14" Survival Knife With Survival Kit | Outdoor Warrior's Wishlist For The Best Survival Gear For Black Friday

This awesome survival knife comes with a compass and other survival equipment. This knife is made of pure carbon steel. Get this FANTASTIC BLADE RIGHT here.

2. Stone Mountain Gauntlet Watch

 Stone Mountain Gauntlet Watch | Outdoor Warrior's Wishlist For The Best Survival Gear For Black Friday

Image via Survival Life

Would you believe that this watch can make you catch a fish, start a fire, trap wild game, and even guide you home in the middle of the night? Well, it definitely can. And its durability was proven and tested. Check out the watch’s full details here.

3.  LifeStraw Personal Water Filter

LifeStraw Personal Water Filter | Outdoor Warrior's Wishlist For The Best Survival Gear For Black Friday

Image via Amazon

This award-winning personal water filter is truly a revolutionary product. It can provide you clean, safe and drinkable water whenever you need it. It removes 99.9999% of waterborne bacteria so you can now imagine how important it is to have the LifeStraw in your backpack whenever your outdoors. Learn more about it here or you can purchase it from this link right HERE!

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4. Survival Backpack

Survival Backpack | Outdoor Warrior's Wishlist For The Best Survival Gear For Black Friday

image via RICHARD VINC

It is very important for every survivalist or prepper to have a durable and reliable backpack. A secure storage where they can safely place their stuff whenever they’re outdoors. Find out more how to choose the right one for you here or get one from this link right HERE!

5. Everstryke Matches

Everstryke Matches | Outdoor Warrior's Wishlist For The Best Survival Gear For Black Friday

Whenever you’re in a survival situation, fire is absolutely important. These Everstryke Match will come to your rescue and provide you fire even after being soaked in water. Find out how you can get this waterproof match FOR FREE RIGHT HERE!

6. MRE Star With Flameless Heaters

MRE Star With Flameless Heaters | Outdoor Warrior's Wishlist For The Best Survival Gear For Black Friday

image via amazon

This emergency survival food is needed especially when we are faced in a survival situation. Nothing beats a complete cooked meal before we embark on a journey. Learn more about MRE’s here. You can also purchase them from this LINK.

7. Berkey Water Bottle With Filter

Berkey Water Bottle With Filter | Outdoor Warrior's Wishlist For The Best Survival Gear For Black Friday

The Berkey water bottle with a filter can reduce or remove toxic chemicals, volatile organic compounds, and other unnecessary stuff that can be included in your drinking water. This bottle is an ideal companion for all outdoor enthusiast and survivalists. Get your own bottle RIGHT HERE.


8. Solar- Mighty Volt Jump Starter

Solar- Mighty Volt Jump Starter | Outdoor Warrior's Wishlist For The Best Survival Gear For Black Friday

This is one of my favorite item on this list. This starter can jumpstart 15 cars on a single charge. It can also charge your electronic devices such as phones and laptops so you don’t have to worry about dead battery again. This product will surely come handy when you need it the most. Get this amazing product RIGHT HERE!

9. Stow Bag 8 LED Headlamp

Stow Bag 8 LED Headlamp | Outdoor Warrior's Wishlist For The Best Survival Gear For Black Friday

Headlamps are important especially when you’re outdoors. This 8 LED headlamp comes with four-stage push button switch that gives you options for different lighting.  Get yours RIGHT HERE!

10. Everstryke Pro

Eversrtyke Pro | Outdoor Warrior's Wishlist For The Best Survival Gear For Black Friday

This compact waterproof survival lighter is always ready to provide you fire even if it is soaked in water. The wick last 10x longer and it is replaceable. Learn more about this one of a kind fire starter here.

11. Survival Compass

Survival Compass | Outdoor Warrior's Wishlist For The Best Survival Gear For Black Friday

In the absence of technology, when GPS doesn’t seem to work then we rely on our good ole compass. So it is a wise decision to carry a compass whenever we are outdoors as a backup for our GPS. Click here to buy the deluxe Survival Compass.

12. Spyderco Delica Pocket Knife

This exceptional knife is from the Spyderco Delica series. The comfortability, practicality, and affordability all rolled into one magnificent knife. Check out full details here.

13. The Backside T-10 4 Season Tent

Every survivalist knows the importance of a durable shelter in a survival situation. We must be prepared at all times because weather as we know it can be very unpredictable and this 4 season tent can withstand its harshness. Learn more about this product here.

14. Hoffman-Richter Large Multi-Tool

Hoffman Richter Large Multi Tool - Best Survival Gear

This is a must for every survivalist or outdoor enthusiasts. This multi-tool feels like you are carrying the whole tool box. This product will definitely come handy when you need to fix and repair anything from household to survival needs. And one best thing about this multi-tool, it can also serve as a defense device when you feel you’re endangered.  I know you want this bad boy. Get it RIGHT HERE!

15. Survival Slingshot Archer Complete

Survival Slingshot Archer Complete | Outdoor Warrior's Wishlist For The Best Survival Gear For Black Friday

image via hiconsumption 

This product will surely change how you define what an awesome slingshot should be. It can be used for hunting, target shooting, and anything a survivalist may think of. Learn more about this revolutionary weapon here. If you want something more compact, then this slingshot IS ALL YOU NEED.

16. Umarex Beretta PX4 Storm Blowback Pellet Pistol

Umarex Beretta PX4 Storm Blowback Pellet Pistol | Outdoor Warrior's Wishlist For The Best Survival Gear For Black Friday

image via replicaairguns

This replica looks exactly the real thing. Armed with power and accuracy, this blowback pistol is hard-hitting. This is also one of the best-priced pellet pistols out on the market today. You can own this really awesome blowback pistol by clicking this LINK.

17. Paracord Pod Fishing Kit

Paracord Pod Fishing Kit | Outdoor Warrior's Wishlist For The Best Survival Gear For Black Friday

This product is a complete micro fishing kit. From a simple keychain, it transforms into a life-saving fishing kit in no time. It is the coolest fishing kit that you’ll ever see. Get yours FOR FREE! Find out how!

18. Hybeam Mini Pop Lamp

Hybeam Mini Pop Lamp | Outdoor Warrior's Wishlist For The Best Survival Gear For Black Friday

This hybrid light source will make your darkest nights bright as ever. This waterproof lamp has a signaling device that can help you especially in times of distress. Get yours right here at an AMAZINGLY LOW PRICE! 

19. Biolite Kettlecharge

Biolite Kettlecharge | Outdoor Warrior's Wishlist For The Best Survival Gear For Black Friday

image via thegadgetflow 

Every outdoor enthusiast should get one of these bad boys. Charge you electronic devices using nothing but heat and water. Do you want one for your own? Get it RIGHT HERE NOW! 

20. Schrade SCAXE2 Extreme Survival Hatchet

Schrade SCAXE2 Extreme Survival Hatchet | Outdoor Warrior's Wishlist For The Best Survival Gear For Black Friday

image via Schrade Knives

This survival hatchet will absolutely Get the job done. This is more than just a camp ax. It has a pommel that can be used for striking nails, wooden stakes or breaking rocks. Check out the details here or you can get your own hatchet RIGHT HERE.

21. Fibega Survival Bandana

 Fibega Survival Bandana | Outdoor Warrior's Wishlist For The Best Survival Gear For Black Friday

image via begadishop 

This survival bandana is not just a fashion statement but can certainly help you when faced in a survival situation. Printed on the bandana are the instructions and information that will save your life! Check out more info here.

22. 550 Paracord

Paracords are multi-functional survival gear that every survivalist or outdoor aficionado should include in their gear list. Its flexibility is truly exceptional that it can be used for a lot of purposes. Learn more about paracords here or start your own kit by clicking this LINK.

23. Gerber Bear Grylls Parang Machete

This durable machete can stand the test of time and hard use. It has a nice finish and won’t cost you an arm and a leg. I actually own one of this parang and it helps me a lot in my task whenever I am outdoors. Find out more about this sharp and reliable machete here. You can also buy this machete from this SITE

24. M48 Kommando Tactical Shovel

M48 Kommando Tactical Shovel | Outdoor Warrior's Wishlist For The Best Survival Gear For Black Friday

image via jebiga 

This rock solid shovel sharpened edges culminating to a piercing point. One side has a partially serrated edge for sawing applications while on the other edge is built for chopping. And I am planning to get one of these this coming Black Friday. Learn more about this tactical shovel here or get yours by clicking on this LINK.

25. Survival Books

Survival Books | Outdoor Warrior's Wishlist For The Best Survival Gear For Black Friday

image via hiconsumption 

Enhance your knowledge when it comes to survival situations by purchasing books that will really help you be the prepper or survivalist that you want. Knowing what to do in emergency cases is advantageous and will save not only your life but also the lives of your loved ones. Find more about these survival books here. Get Bushcraft 101 by clicking on this LINK!

Watch this video from Canadian Prepper for more survival gears that you can purchase this coming Black Friday :  

There are a lot of survival items to choose from this coming Black Friday. It is up to you what you want to purchase and use for your next outdoor trip. You just have to remember that preparedness is one of the most vital characteristics of a great prepper or survivalist. How you perceive a survival situation and how you act upon it separates you from other preppers. Well, we hope this list helps you in making your own wishlist for the best survival gear for this coming Black Friday. Penny for your thoughts? Tell us what you think about this list by dropping you two cents in the comments below.

Click Here For Emergency Water Storage Tips!

Featured Image Via jebiga

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