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Bouldering In Yosemite With Jim Reynolds | Enormocast Podcast [LISTEN]



girl-climbing-hard-boulder-problem-forest | Bouldering In Yosemite With Jim Reynolds | Enormocast Podcast [LISTEN] | Featured

This podcast from The Enormocast will tackle bouldering as they interview Jim Reynolds as he shares his experiences with the outdoors.

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Jim Reynolds Talking About Bouldering and the Great Outdoors

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On Episode 216 for the Enormocast, I luck into an interview with the elusive Jim Reynolds. Jim popped onto most of our radars with a really fast ascent of the Nose with the late great Brad Gobright followed by some truly audacious solos in Patagonia including an onsight solo up and down of Fitzroy.

Finally, his sort of comic appearance in the Real Rock 14 film about Tommy Caldwell and Alex Honnold breaking 2 hours on the Nose made a lot of people wonder, “Who’s that guy with Brad Gobright?” But of course, there is way more to Jim than that guy.

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This episode brings to light the stories that made him renowned and also the details of his soloing life and life in Yosemite. Jim loves to disappear into the mountains, but he is also starting to love to tell the tales when he returns.

What are your thoughts about bouldering and this podcast? Share your thoughts in the comment section below!

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