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[Watch This] Awesome Hunting Tools – The New Kinetic Wilderness Survival Spear



Buck recently released their Kinetic Spearhead Series and it is definitely awesome! All spearheads are made with 420HC steel that is lightweight and perfect for your hunting survival kit. Follow Blade HQ Overviews as they present us this wonderful review on the Buck Kinetic Spearhead Series!

[Watch This] Awesome Hunting Tools – The New Kinetic Wilderness Survival Spear

The All New Buck Spearhead Kinetic Series

Spears are one of the most primitive survival and hunting tools known to man. It has a fairly long reach, it is light, and most definitely lethal to other dangerous animals. The spear can be used to hunt for fish, boar hunting, or simply to defend yourself in the wild against bigger predators. The spear is a very useful tool for hunting and more importantly, for survival.

Buck Kinetic Hunting Spear

Buck Kinetic Spearhead 1 | [Watch This] Awesome Hunting Tools - The New Kinetic Wilderness Survival Spear

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The Kinetic Hunting Spear is made of 420HC steel and is just under 9-inches in length, an eighth of an inch thick. This goes for all of the spearheads on the series but this baby is perfect for hunting game in the land.

Buck Kinetic Gig Spear

Buck Kinetic Spearhead 2 | [Watch This] Awesome Hunting Tools - The New Kinetic Wilderness Survival Spear

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The Gig Spear has two prongs mainly used for hunting frogs. It weighs approximately 5.7 ounces and it goes the same for the rest of the spearheads on the series.

Buck Kinetic Fishing Spear

Buck Kinetic Spearhead 3 | [Watch This] Awesome Hunting Tools - The New Kinetic Wilderness Survival Spear

image via bladehq

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This Buck Kinetic Fishing Spear unlike the Gig Spear has four prongs that makes it perfect for fishing. The prongs help catch the fish heightening the chances of hitting it underwater.

These cool spearheads do not come with a pole because it is abundant out in the woods and it can be a bother to bring especially if not in use. Nonetheless, it includes a paracord for tying the spearhead down to the pole. If you’re looking to sharpen your primitive hunting techniques, these bad boys are definitely a great entry point. In addition, they could be a nice addition to your hunting survival kit.

The Kinetic Spear is just one of many awesome hunting tools in the market today. To know more about hunting tools, tips, and tricks, view them here!

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