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[Watch This] Fixed Hunting Blades Face-off – Mora Vs Marttiini



Face-offs have become more and more ubiquitous in the big screen recently. Iron Man faces off with Captain America in Civil War, Batman fights Superman in their latest blockbuster, but we’re going to be talking about a different kind of face-off here. It’ll be about hunting blades and a couple of the top tier brands and manufacturers so let’s see who’s going to face who and see who emerges at the top.

[Watch This] Fixed Hunting Blades Face-off – Mora Vs Marttiini

Knife Making Giants Duke Out On BudgetBugout

Morakniv Mora Knives are made in the traditional Scandinavian method for more than a century transitioning the same rational precision craftsmanship to making use of modern machines. On the other hand, Marttiini provides knives based on the user’s feedback after testing them out on the field. These two knife-making giants collide head-on in this hunting blades face-off by BudgetBugout.

For the knives’ tang, Marttiini takes the lead with their Full Tang Hunter. It’s the only full tang knife in the set and it has a thick edge that goes all the way through the handle that makes for perfect strength!

Morakniv closely follow Marttiini’s lead with their very economical price with the Mora Companion with a price tag of only $19 for its heavy duty variant!

These knives come in pretty sharp straight out of the factory but Marttiini provides an especially sharp factory edge with no trouble passing the paper test.

Marttiini’s 90-degree edged knives provide better sparks with the ferro rod giving them another win for the taking!

The battle for the handle results in a draw since both parties have rubberized grips and convenient finger guards giving you the honor of being the tie-breaker for this one.

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Even though Marttiini knives provide beautifully stitched leather sheaths, the convenience of the Morakniv plastic sheaths make them the winner for this round.

Marttiini knives bite into the wood better than the Morakniv knives and so they take the feather stick round this time.

And for the best knife on the table, the award goes to Morakniv Bushcraft Black for its great handle, large amounts of sparks and a great plastic sheath complete with a ferro rod making it the best choice for overall handiness.

Overall, Marttiini Knives is crowned the winner of this hunting blades battle leading one point over Morakniv Knives. However, we all have personal preferences so better pick out the ones that best suits your taste!

Click here for more hunting tips!

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